Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Well... Hello!

So, who exactly are we?

We're a couple of friends who have spent many evenings sipping wine and sharing our relationship problems, friendship problems, our friends' relationship problems, and our friends' friendship problems.  While we haven't quite learned to appreciate each others' wine tastes, we've definitely developed a palate for each others' opinions.

How did we get here?

Well, it went something like this:

(The following conversation is copied and pasted directly from gchat.  While names have been changed to protect the innocent, our typos proudly remain)

White: We should have drinks this week
Red:  we should! i had the most chaotic weekend playing referee for Rachel and Ross.
White ok, seriously, why is it always?  Since when are we relationship gurus?
Red:  "why is it always us" you mean?
White:  Ha yeah.  typing too fast.
The thing is, I really don't mind giving advice at all.  What I can't stand is when Hermione refuses to take my advice because it's not what she wants to hear, and then comes back two days later all upset because Ron is still being an ass.
(btw, the facebook movie was awesome.  You should go see it)
Red haha i dont think some of our friends are too keen on us giving the honest advice at times.
White:  right?  I feel like my friends just want me to say "you were right, your s/o is a douche" and move on
when sometimes, it's the other way around
Red:  oh! i had to do a little of that this weekend. it made me want to pull my hair out.
White You should start a blog.
making fun of your friends' relationships
it's like a soap opera'
The young and the senseless
Red hahaha! id have no friends left, especially when i would need them for my relationship advice
so its sort of a win/lose situation
White you would have me!!!!
Red:  aw! thats sweet white. as long as i have free reign to make fun of your relationship
White:  whoa!  what's mockable about that?!
mockable?  is that a word?
Red:  i dont know mr. webster. look it up
White It is a word, according to  boo-ya
Red haha awesome. im so glad you know how to use the internet to check your english
White:  I would have insisted it were a word anyway

As tempting as it was to blog-roast our friends and their problems, we decided it would be a better use of our energy to continue giving real, honest, sugar-free advice about dating and relationships.  We donned aliases befitting our beverage preferences and each made a solemn, slightly drunken vow to contribute our most valuable 2 cents to anyone willing to listen.  Thus, 4 cents was born.

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